Golden, BC – Boo is trying to steal jobs, this time going after The Groundhog and making his own winter predictions. Although the groundhog’s predictions happen at the end of winter, Boo’s is at the beginning. He’s started building his hibernation den early this year and has already been bulking up for some time – putting on his winter weight earlier than ever as well, he’s been eating 40,000 calories a day since late August.
“Boo seems to think the winter will be a stout one,” says Matt Mosteller, VP of Sales & Resort Experience at Resorts of the Canadian Rockies, “as he [Boo] starts digging in, preparing a deep cave under a tree for his hibernation. Earlier and a bigger hole could mean a colder and deeper snowfall than usual,” added Mosteller.
Boo lives at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort in the largest enclosed grizzly bear habitat in the world. Brought to the resort after having been orphaned as a cub, Boo was saved from certain death. Read more about Boo and the Grizzly Bear Interpretive Centre online.
Kicking Horse has already had several snowstorms in September! Earlier and bigger than usual hopefully foreshadows an epic ski season full of deep powder!
Photo from September 23rd, 2015
Ensure your vacation is relaxing from, beginning to end. Start by booking with our knowledgeable agents and trust in them to find the best resort and hotel property for your winter experience. Call 1-800-258-7669 to book over the phone, chat online with an agent at http://www.skircr.com/vacations or visit www.kickinghorseresort.com/early-booking to view all vacation packages. Book before November 30th to save up to 35%!
For more information, please contact:
Matt Mosteller
(403) 209-3323 • mmosteller@skircr.com